Highlands LLEN focuses on designing activities that students will enjoy as well as gain insight, knowledge, hands-on skill building and visual recognition, to form that lightbulb moment and provide a first-hand experience to formulate career choices.
Taster Programs\
Click each individual link below to view information for the activities on offer!
- School Event Menu 2025download PDF
- CIC x IBM - Skillsbuild Programdownload PDF
- Farm to Table Tourdownload PDF
- Foundry In a Boxdownload PDF
- Manufacturing Workshop - Albinsdownload PDF
- Manufacturing Workshop - Interknitdownload PDF
- Mock Interviewsdownload PDF
- Preparation Session - Mock interviews & Industry Expectationsdownload PDF
- Real Talksdownload PDF
- Veg Educationdownload PDF
- Veg Ed - Fresh Food Schoolsdownload PDF
- VIC VICE - Virtual Reality workplace experiencedownload PDF
- Western Bulldogs Leadership Workshopdownload PDF
- Western Bulldogs Foundation - VU School Workshopdownload PDF
- Who made it instagrammable challengedownload PDF
Women In Trade \
With the demand from industry for workers and the need to reduce the stigma and stereotypes on women in non-traditional trades, Highlands LLEN have designed the Women in Trade and Try a Trade programs to promote the opportunities for women and men alike into the trades profession. This program in collaboration with Platinum Institute Australia and Women’s Health Grampians predominantly focuses on getting on the tools for a career in construction. Students experience a day in the life of a construction tradie by building their own mini house at school, including 4 walls, floor and roof. Schools are encouraged to paint the final product on completion with the offer of a painting workshop.
Get in touch to find out more \
School-Employer Engagement and SWL Coordinator,
0400 564 839 or engagement@highlandsllen.org
Jenny Sheriff,
School-Employer Engagement and Program Coordinator,
0447 720 908 or programs@highlandsllen.org