Highlands LLEN coordinate a diverse range of annual events, aimed at engaging various stakeholders including young people, educators, youth work professionals, local businesses and more.
Get Into Games (GIG) \
The Get Into Games (GIG) Expo is a large-scale event which is focused on the game development and technology industry. GIG engages Secondary School students with industry professionals to encourage pathways from school into the gaming and technology workforce.
Highlands LLEN is an active member of the organising committee along with our partners The City of Ballarat, Federation University Australia, The Game Developers Association of Australia, GUF Games and Telstra. This annual event is an inspiring day that includes presentations from gaming professionals, exciting workshops and fun video games.
Annual General Meeting (AGM) \
The Highlands LLEN Annual General Meeting (AGM) is held during the first half of the year and is a time for our Members and other community individuals to come together and explore the events and achievements of the LLEN in the preceding year.
The Annual Report is presented and new Committee of Management members elected during the evening. With an engaging and knowledgeable guest speaker, the AGM is an event which showcases the work of the LLEN to Members and the broader community.